
Bima Company

A pet is a cherished member of the family and deserves the same attention and care as everyone else. Unexpected illnesses and accidents can happen, and veterinary costs can quickly add up. Bima Company Cat Insurance was among the best in offering cat insurance in India, providing peace of mind for cat owners.

What if your adventurous cat swallows a hair tie, jumps from a dangerous height, or darts out into a busy street?

After a trip to the vet, you might be faced with substantial medical bills. But with cat insurance, you don’t have to worry about these expenses. Whether your cat needs immediate medical attention or simply snags a claw, our cat insurance policy has you covered. Over time, having the best cat insurance can be a valuable investment.

So, while your cat chases, pounces, and tumbles, you can rest easy knowing they are protected with affordable cat insurance that is designed to meet your needs. Stay worry-free forever with comprehensive cat insurance claims coverage!

What Are The Coverage Options Available for Cats?

  • Surgery Expenses Cover
  • Hospitalisation Cover 
  • Mortality Benefit Cover
  • Terminal Diseases Cover
  • Long-Term Care Cover
  • OPD Cover
  • Third-Party Liability Cover
  • Theft/Lost/Straying Cover


Things to Know about Cat Insurance

  • In India, cat ownership has seen a significant rise and continues to grow rapidly, making it one of the fastest-growing pet care markets. 
  • Dogs are still the most popular pets, but cats are quickly becoming a close second. 

Bima Company Pet Insurance was among the first to introduce cat insurance in India, offering comprehensive coverage to keep your feline friends safe. 

  • Whether your cat needs a check-up, treatment for an injury or urgent medical attention, we have you covered with our cat insurance policies.

Wondering what’s the need for pet insurance for cats in India? 

  • Think about the annual healthcare expenses for vaccinations and minor illnesses.
  • The initial costs of caring for a cat, include accessories and grooming.
  • the average veterinary and surgical costs, not to mention cat food expenses. 

After a visit to the vet, you could be faced with steep medical bills. However, with the best cat insurance, you won’t need to worry about these costs. Cat insurance claims can help you manage expenses, making it a wise investment in the long run. With affordable cat insurance, you can enjoy peace of mind while your cat continues to explore, play, and pounce, knowing they’re protected.

Entry and Exit Age for Pet Cat Insurance

If you’re a conscientious cat parent looking to protect yourself from unexpected expenses due to accidents or illnesses, you’ve come to the right place. The right Cat Insurance Policy can provide the coverage you need. With a variety of options available, Cat Insurance in India offers flexible policy terms tailored to your needs. Explore your choices today to find the Cat Insurance that best suits your requirements, ensuring peace of mind when it comes to Cat Insurance Claims.




Breed Type

All breeds

Entry Age

3 months to 7 years

Exit Age

12 years

Policy Period

Short-term Policy: For less than a year

Long-term Policy: For a maximum of 3 years

Note: Please note that as per the health of the pet cat, a higher entry/exit age under special conditions can be permitted. This may vary from insurer to insurer.

Documents Required to Buy Cat Insurance in India

If you wish to avail best cat insurance, do not miss out on the documents listed below for your pet:

  • A filled proposal form
  • Video of pet cat walking along with color photographs from all angles
  • Diagnostic test results, if required
  • Description or details that uniquely identify the pet cat to be insured
  • Self-declaration on vaccinations
  • Purchase proof, if required
  • A pedigree certificate if the policyholder has opted for the pet to be of the pedigree lineage

Exclusions Under Cat Insurance Policy

Understanding the exclusions in a cat insurance policy is crucial to avoid unexpected surprises when filing a cat health insurance claim. Here are some circumstances under which a cat insurance policy in India might not provide coverage or pay out cat insurance claims. Be sure to review these carefully to ensure you’re choosing the best cat insurance for your needs.

  • Cat insurance claims will not be covered under the cat insurance policy for various situations. 
  • Claims related to diseases for which preventive medicines or vaccines have not been administered are excluded. 
  • Also, costs for experimental procedures or alternative treatments, as well as any medication or treatment not recommended by a veterinarian, are not covered. 
  • Any injury or loss caused intentionally or knowingly by the policyholder, as well as any resulting damage, is excluded from cat insurance in India. 
  • Claims for incidents occurring outside the territorial limits of India are also not included in the coverage. 
  • Additionally, any illness contracted by an insured pet cat while abroad that would not typically be contracted in India is not covered under the best cat insurance. 
  • Legal expenses, fines, and penalties resulting from a criminal case, as well as claims for the treatment of third parties due to diseases transmitted from animals to humans, are also excluded. 
  • Any harm caused by malicious or intentional injury, neglect, or gross negligence toward the insured pet cat, as well as injuries resulting from war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, riots, strikes, or terrorist activities, will not be covered by even the most affordable cat insurance.

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